Pueblo Alto

Located on a mesa flat due north of Pueblo Bonito, this great house is thought to have been built between 1020 and 1050 AD. Serving the area residents as a community house, archeological evidence suggests periodic episodes of occupancy and feasting.

There are actually four buildings in the Pueblo Alto Complex: Pueblo Alto, New Alto, East Ruin, and Rabbit run. New Alto was originally two stories in places and had a large plaza that may have served as a trade center. The elevation at Pueblo Alto (High House) is 6,440 feet, and provides a panoramic view of 60 miles or more in all directions. Tsin Kletzin, Hosta Butte, and Mount Taylor are visible to the south, Huerfano Mesa, the San Juan Mountains, and La Plata Mountains can be seen to the north, the Chuska Mountains to the west, and the Jemez Mountains to the east are all within viewing and signaling range.

Ruins that appear to be relay stations have been identified atop prominent mesas, buttes, and mountains.  The use of reflective mica rocks during the day and signal fires at night would have enabled the people living in Chaco Canyon to maintain communication with the people at Chimney Rock and Mesa Verde in Colorado - 90 miles away. 


From the parking lot at the end of the paved road, follow an old road west to Kin Kletso. The trailhead is reachable from behind Kin Kletso. You climb about 100 feet up a slot canyon until you reach the mesa top. Pueblo Alto is a little over 1.3 miles from this point (one way).

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