Long Logs

Long Logs Trail (1.5 miles) leads through one of the greatest concentrations of petrified wood at Petrified Forest. This pileup of logs suggests an ancient log jam created by prehistoric rivers.

Another trail (2 mile round trip) leads to Agate House, a partially reconstructed Indian pueblo built of petrified wood (quite spectacular, imagine to live in a building made of petrified wood looking like oversized gemstones). Indians built dwelling walls like this one of petrified wood sealed with mud mortar. Archeologists believe that this small pueblo was occupied for a short time about 700 years ago. Seasonal farmers or traders possibly built Agate House as a temporary home.


Long Logs Trail is located about 2.5 miles from the south entrance of the park to your right.

Selected Pictures

Those pictures have been taken during multiple visits of the park, therefore the brightness and quality varies due to different weather conditions and advances in digital camera technology.

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